SENEGAL AND SDG 16: What are the results after 5 years?

As the landmark year of the adoption of the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the international community, 2015 is also the expiry period of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
Senegal is not left behind in terms of implementation and integration of the new general roadmap, which constitutes the sustainable development program, in public policies.
To support this dynamic of implementation of the 17 SDGs and 169 targets and contribute to the transformation of communities at the grassroots, the European Union has signed a partnership with the Enda Third World network for a “Strengthening the role and place of civil societies in the South in the implementation of a transformative 2030 agenda”.
Based on this cooperation process, enda ECOPOP has positioned itself on the SDG 16, particularly on targets 05 and 07 in accordance with its main areas of intervention. In this perspective and in line with the territorialization of the 2030 Agenda, enda ECOPOP proposes this study which contributes to the formulation of a reference situation of the level of realization of SDG 16.
This report presents the results of this analysis, which focuses on targets related to governance, corruption and the participation of youth and women in decision-making bodies. This exercise aims to determine the progress made and the limitations recorded in Senegal in order to make the necessary corrections and adjustments and possibly anticipate the future.

Download the full report here:


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